Desert Rose Golden Quill
Winner, Short Contemporary Category
4 Hearts – The Romance Reader
“Here is a story that has not only a happy ending, but also has entertaining characters, an engaging plot and a romance that makes one smile. His Only Wife sounds like so many other plots, but it is unique in its character maturity. This is my first exposure to Cathy McDavid. If His Only Wife is a sign of things to come, I will be keeping my eye out for her stories.” — Shirley Lyonsry
Romantic Times
“…a sweet second-chance-at-love story. Gage and Aubrey have a great deal of baggage that they must dig through in order to find that happy ending, and this story is a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.” — Kristi Albers
The Best Reviews
“This entertaining second chance at love is a fine contemporary tale starring two likeable protagonists…His Only Wife is a pleasurable read.” — Harriet Klausner