Mom’s kind of mad at me. It’s not my fault, really. I’m a cat and inclined to do cat things. It’s my nature. Part of my feline DNA.What crime, you ask, did I commit? Well, as you can see from the picture, I snuck a nap on Mom’s treasured antique desk chair. It’s strictly off limits, but the temptation to plant my rear end on a 130-year-old antique was just too much to resist. I guess the fact that the chair and matching desk are a treasured family heirloom, whatever that is, just made her all the more mad at me.So, I got the boot. But not before she snapped my picture. As you can see, I’m not smiling. No one likes a lecture. Especially a cat. I told her if she didn’t want me to sit on the chair, she shouldn’t put it and the silly Victorian era desk in the living room where anyone could just stumble on them.
Other than that, not much is happening in our house. I heard a rumor the other day that Mom is gong to her annual writers retreat and leaving me with the man. Apparently, this is the punishment I must endure for leaving cat hair on her stupid old – and I mean old – chair.

Ozzy’s Corner
Greetings, humans, and welcome to Ozzy’s Corner.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Ozzy, and I’m a senior diabetic cat (although I think I look much younger) who serves as muse extraordinaire to Mom — known to you as Cathy McDavid, romance author and best pet paw-rent on Earth. She does all right at this writing stuff but, let’s be honest, she’d be nowhere without me and my daily doses of inspiration, advice, encouragement, and gentle purr-suasion.
Read on for a cat’s eye view into Mom’s world as told by her closest companion. Literally, her closest, as I almost never leave her side.